作者: RobertHu (羅伯特) 看板: IT-forum
標題: Re: Windows 2003 增加 TCP Session
時間: Sat Mar 8 00:24:35 2008
※ 引述《Winggy (CISSP SUCKS, ISC2 SUCKS)》之銘言:
: 最近碰到一個狀況懷疑是 Windows 2003 對 TCP session 有上限造成的
: 一堆 socket 的狀況都在 TCP_WAIT
: 不知道 Windows 2003 有沒有預設的 Session 上限, 要怎麼增加 ?
: 叩謝 m(_ _)m
說明: 節錄自 Performance Tuning Guide for Win2k3 http://tinyurl.com/pjelf
A port is used whenever an active connection is used from a computer. Given
the default value of available user mode ports (5,000 for each IP address)
and TCP time-wait requirements, it may be necessary to make more ports
available on the system. You can set the following registry entry to as high
as 0xfffe (65534):
如果 Connection Request 太多造成一顆 CPU 100%,可以考慮安裝 Scalable Network
Pack http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=912222