我國因應福島第一核電廠 ALPS 處理水排放案之赴日專家觀察團報告
[備份] 我國因應福島第一核電廠 ALPS 處理水排放案之赴日專家觀察團報告
TEPCO Draft Study Responding to the Subcommittee Report on Handling ALPS Treated Water
[備份] TEPCO Draft Study Responding to the Subcommittee Report on Handling ALPS Treated Water
Pre-discharge Analysis Results of ALPS Treated Water in the Measurement/Confirmation Tanks
[備份] Pre-discharge Analysis Results of ALPS Treated Water in the Measurement/Confirmation Tanks
The Subcommittee on Handling of the ALPS Treated Water Report
[備份] The Subcommittee on Handling of the ALPS Treated Water Report

IAEA Review of Safety Related Aspects of Handling ALPS-Treated Water at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
[備份] IAEA Review of Safety Related Aspects of Handling ALPS-Treated Water at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

- “我想東電的reputation 就是無可懷疑的缺乏信賴感”
是,我也不信賴東電本身。所以其數據自然是要有其他方驗證才有參考性。而這其他方驗證下面敘述 - “IAEA甚至無法背書檢驗結果…”
Based on its comprehensive assessment, the IAEA has concluded that the approach and activities to the discharge of ALPS treated water taken by Japan are consistent with relevant international safety standards,[1]
The IAEA corroboration of source and environmental monitoring related to discharges of ALPS treated water from FDNPS is comprised of three distinct elements (see also Figure 4.1):
•Review of sampling and analytical methods for source and environmental monitoring related to ALPS treated water at FDNPS used by TEPCO and relevant Japanese authorities.
•Corroboration of source monitoring undertaken by TEPCO, including a comprehensive radiological characterization of ALPS treated water samples.
•Corroboration of environmental monitoring undertaken by TEPCO and relevant Japanese authorities
The corroboration of source and environmental monitoring will be based on interlaboratory comparisons (ILCs). …
The IAEA will involve several of its own laboratories and third-party laboratories as part of these corroboration activities. …
另,為避免有人說是東電取樣有作弊之嫌,或是只看東電數字。節錄IAEA說明佐證:2022 年 10 月,原子能機構見證了另外兩批 ALPS 處理水樣本的採集。 2022年11月IAEA的TERC實驗室以及韓國的KINS實驗室接收到樣本
In October 2022, the IAEA witnessed the collection of two additional batches of samples of ALPS treated water. …
The IAEA’s samples were received by TERC in November 2022. KINS also received its samples in in November 2022. …
These samples will be split, and sub-samples will be provided to the laboratories participating in the ILCs for the analysis ofthe activity concentrations of a range of relevant radionuclides.
4.”但是因為第三方是誰 也是大家存疑的地方””誰? 這不是走到哪 找到哪?”
否。IAEA歷來在報告裡面都會明確提到該次ILC參與者。例如在Interlaboratory Comparisons 2017–2020: Determination of Radionuclides in Sea Water, Sediment and Fish[3]就有明確指出參與ILC的15個單位。
- Spiez Laboratory (LS – Labor Spiez), Switzerland
- Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), France
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), United States of America
- Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS), Republic of Korea
As well as TEPCO and the IAEA laboratories, the ALMERA laboratory Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) will participate in these ILCs.
Under the coordination of the participating IAEA laboratories, selected third-party laboratories, members of the network of Analytical Laboratories for the Measurement of Environmental Radioactivity (ALMERA) with demonstrable competence in the methods required, are also conducting analyses of samples as participants in the ILCs.
https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/pressreleases/iaea-finds-japans-plans-to-release-treated-water-into-the-sea-at-fukushima-consistent-with-international-safety-standards - https://www.iaea.org/sites/default/files/iaea_comprehensive_alps_report.pdf
- https://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/AQ-67web.pdf